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Surrounded by water and sun Guahara was born, and grew up in Las Palmas de G.C., Canary Islands, where she became the free spirit that she was meant to be.

As she was developing, she started realising that the structure of this world did not support personal development and even less, spiritual development. Being quite young she commenced traveling a path of discovery and experience, learning and training from different disciplines.

Guahara completed her Social Pedagogy Degree and further continued to be trained and qualified in Coaching, Gestalt and Transpersonal Therapy, Brief therapy, NLP, Steiner Education, Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, Biodanza and other movement techniques. Continuously searching for avenues to facilitate clarification, consciousness and happiness. 

But it was her own personal, some times dramatic, life events, which brought a more relevant dimension to her professional growth bringing forth to what becomes her unique approach to Psychotherapy, guidance and accompany.

All those different paths transited kept leading her to one answer, an answer she could not scape or avoid any more, that of deep love, respect and embracement for her own existence and that of each person that she comes across through any of her professional or personal roles.  Beyond thoughts and expectation, outside judgement, entirely helping us rediscover, come back to who we really are. Accepting, fully, the eternity of the present moment.

She likes to describe herself as a fortunate person to whom existence has offered so many different experiences and possibilities. She has always welcomed life as raw as it comes. Grounded, yet gentle and loving, Guahara has managed to create a unique, fresh, profound and effective way to make a long jump seem just a very easy step to take.

She opens the present moment and becomes fully available to whoever sits, walks or dances next to her. Her workshops are truly a gate to a different dimension of life, as you might have never experienced before.

Hand by hand, as an emotional Sherpa who knows well the path to being and accepting, to embracing the here and now as the only place to be, Guahara will walk the inner pathway with you, sitting patiently when you need rest, always providing a light and reaffirming sense of perspective, and energising and reassuring you if a difficult bit of the journey seems scary. You will always reach a healthier destination than departure.

She has worked for public and private companies as a Development and Training officer as well as Team Builder and Coach.

Currently, she holds and delivers workshops around the world to a wide and varied group of people and professionals, including teachers, nurses, doctors, multinational managers, parents and simply women and men who want to live a fulfilling life. She also offers one to one, couple and group sessions and corporate services. Guahara is a family women and friend, in close relation with her brothers and sisters, parents, husband and 2 children as well as with her friends around the world.

You will always feel at comfort as well as humorously challenged by her humble presence, honesty and commitment.  Her wisdom together with her innocence and approachability will make the experience of engaging with her truly unforgettable.





As an enthusiastic reader I started opening to a broader world from childhood, reading books about the world history and specially, different tribes, and customs. I, still quite young, developed and interest for far east religion and traditions, and started getting deeper in practice and research of Buddhist teachings, favouring their approach to the here and now, suffering and death. Books like "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" by Sogyal Rinpoche, or "Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior" Chögyam Trungpa, proved decisive in my path. What started being an innocent attraction, became a form of living, and my search grew to incorporate various forms of human development from Shamanism to Psychoanalysis, including, Gurdjieff Movements, Sufism, Mindfulness, I studied authors such as Carl Jung, Claudio Naranjo, Carlos Castaneda, Ken Wilber, Fritz Perls, Bert Hellinger, Taisen Deshimaru, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Nido Qubein, Mooji, Krishnamurti, Rumi. I am grateful to the learning transferred to me through all this authors and many others not mentioned here. A special mention to Psychotherapist Paco Bontempi, a truly inspiring teacher whom I had the opportunity to personally meet becoming a valuable inspiration to my future professional development.

Qualifications & Profesional Bodies


  • Social Work PGDipSW, University of Las Palmas

  • Steiner Education, Plymouth University

  • Steiner foundation Arts Therapies, Plymouth University

  • Transpersonal Core Process Psychotherapy, Karuna Institute, UK

  • Gestalt Psychotherapy, Valencia Institute of Gestalt Psychotherapy

  • NLP, Zen-Tre, Valencia

  • Brief Therapy, Cetebreu, Barcelona

  • Biodanza, Biodanza School of Las Palmas

  • Coaching, The Coaching Academy, UK

  • CBT Southampton university

Professional Bodies
  • UK Community Dance, Professional Member No38264

  • ABTUK, Association of Biodanza Teachers in the UK, Professional Member NoICA0716

  • Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), Professional Member SW108561

  • Psychotherapist BACP Membership no: 812918

  • CBT Therapist BABCP registered

Guahara Worked and Colaborated with:

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